
iDPRT invites you to join Gitex Exhibition 2017



Dubai, known as ‘Hong Kong’ in the Middle East, is the consuming center of 1.5 billion population. Many famous IT tycoons set up branch offices or purchasing center there. Dubai Gitex Exhibition is not only one of the three largest IT exhibitions in the world, but also a grand showcase of new technologies in the international computer and network information technology industry.

We will showcase the latest printer products and solutions at the exhibition.  Hope to show you a different printing experience. We are looking forward to your further visit to iDPRT’s booth!

8th to 12th, October, 2017

Dubai World Trade Center, Dubai, UAE

Hall 3, Booth #A3-5

iDPRT invites you to join Gitex Exhibition 2017_12.jpg

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Desktop Barcode Printer, Industrial Barcode Printer, Mobile Printer, RFID Barcode Printer, Card Printer, PDA, Barcode scanners- iDPRT